Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Annesi, JJ | 2011 | Behav Med | Self-regulatory skills usage strengthens the relations of self efficacy for improved eating, exercise, and weight in the severely obese: toward an explanatory model |
Full | Brown, A | 2015 | BMJ Open | Description and preliminary results from a structured specialist behavioural weight management group intervention: Specialist Lifestyle Management (SLim) programme |
Full | Burke, LE | 2011 | J Am Diet Assoc | Self-monitoring in weight loss: a systematic review of the literature |
Abs | Carels, RA | 2008 | Eating Behav | Can following the caloric restriction recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans help individuals lose weight? |
Full | Carson, T | 2013 | J Obes | Examining social influence on participation and outcomes among a network of behavioral weight-loss intervention enrollees |
Full | Fitzpatrick, SL | 2014 | Obesity | Examining behavioral processes through which lifestyle interventions promote weight loss: results from PREMIER |
Full | Kong, A | 2012 | J Acad Nutr Diet | Self-monitoring and eating-related behaviors are associated with 12-month weight loss in postmenopausal overweight-to-obese women |
Abs | Michie, S | 2009 | Health Psychol | Effective techniques in healthy eating and physical activity interventions: a meta-regression |
Full | Nicklas, BJ | 2014 | Obesity | Self-monitoring of spontaneous physical activity and sedentary behavior to prevent weight regain in older adults |
Full | Ross & Wing | 2016 | Obesity | Impact of newer self-monitoring technology and brief phone-based intervention on weight loss: a randomized pilot study |
Full | Spring, B | 2013 | JAMA Intern Med | Integrating technology into standard weight loss treatment. A randomized controlled trial |
Full | Steinberg, DM | 2013 | Obesity | The efficacy of a daily self-weighing weight loss intervention using smart scales and email |
Full | Teixeira, PJ | 2015 | BMC Med | Successful behavior change in obesity interventions in adults: a systematic review of self-regulation mediators |
Full | Thomas, JG | 2019 | Obesity | Comparison of smartphone-based behavioral obesity treatment to gold standard group treatment and control: a randomized trial |
Abs | Wharton, C | 2014 | J Nutr Educ Behav | Dietary self-monitoring, but not dietary quality, improves with use of smartphone app technology in an 8-week weight loss trial |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |