Physical Activity - All Forms - Body Weight (Obs)
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Erlichman, J | 2002 | Obes Rev | Physical activity and its impact on health outcomes. Paper 2: prevention of unhealthy weight gain and obesity by physical activity: an analysis of the evidence |
Full | Haapanen, N | 1997 | Int J Obes | Association between leisure time physical activity and 10-year body mass change among working-aged men and women |
Abs | Koenders & van Strien | 2011 | JOEM | Emotional eating, rather than lifestyle behavior, drives weight gain in a prospective study in 1562 employees |
Full | Koh-Banerjee, P | 2003 | Am J Clin Nutr | Prospective study of the association of changes in dietary intake, physical activity, alcohol consumption, and smoking with 9-y gain in waist circumference among 16,587 US men |
Full | Mozaffarian, D | 2011 | NEJM | Changes in diet and lifestyle and long-term weight gain in women and men |
Abs | Saris, WH | 2003 | Obes Rev | How much physical activity is enough to prevent unhealthy weight gain? Outcome of the IASO 1st Stock Conference and consensus statement |
Abs | Taylor, CB | 1994 | Epidemiology | Effects of life-style on body mass index change |
Abs | van Strien, T | 2012 | Appetite | Eating style, overeating and weight gain: a prospective 2-year follow-up study in a representative Dutch sample |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |