Motivations for Dieting/Wanting to Lose Weight
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Buchanan & Sheffield | 2017 | J Health Psych | Why do diets fail?: an exploration of dieters' experiences using thematic analysis |
Full | LaRose, JG | 2013 | Obesity | Differences in motivations and weight loss behaviors in young adults and older adults in the National Weight Control Registry |
Full | Leske, S | 2012 | BMC Public Health | A qualitative study of the determinants of dieting and non-dieting approaches in overweight/obese Australian adults |
Abs | O'Brien, K | 2007 | Eating Behav | Reasons for wanting to lose weight: different strokes for different folks |
Full | Thomas, SL | 2008 | Nutr J | "They all work…when you stick to them": A qualitative investigation of dieting, weight loss, and physical exercise, in obese individuals |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |