Mediators of Weight Loss

  1. Action Planning
  2. Adaptive Interventions – Stepped Care Approach
  3. Adherence & Attrition
  4. Associations/Prompts/Cues
  5. Attendance of Weight Loss Sessions
  6. Autobiographical Approach to Explaining One’s Obesity
  7. Automaticity of Weight Loss Behaviors
  8. Autonomous Motivation
  9. Averse Conditioning
  10. Avoidance of Fat in Foods
  11. Barrier Identification
  12. Body Dissatisfaction
  13. Body Image Therapy
  14. Breakfast (RCT)
  15. Chronotype Adjusted Diet (RCT)
  16. Commitment-Making (RCT)
  17. Cooking Skills Interventions (RCT)
  18. Counting Calories Continuously through the Day (RCT)
  19. Counting Calories/Food Diary (RCT) 
  20. Couples Weight Loss Programs (Spousal Support)
  21. Deprivation during Weight Loss (RCT)
  22. Diet Quality (RCT)
  23. Diet Satisfaction during Weight Loss
  24. Dietary Restraint during Weight Loss (RCT)
  25. Dietary Restraint during Weight Loss – Flexible vs Rigid Control (RCT)
  26. Dieting Consistency (Obs)
  27. Disinhibition (RCT)
  28. DNA/Nutrigenomics Education (Personalized Nutrition)
  29. Early Weight Loss Response as Predictor of Long-Term Weight Loss
  30. Eating Rate/Speed (Obs)
  31. Eating while Watching TV
  32. Email (RCT)
  33. Emotional Eating (RCT)
  34. External Eating (RCT)
  35. Facebook (RCT)
  36. Family Meal Time (RCT)
  37. Financial Incentives
  38. Fitbit Accelerometer & Scale (RCT)
  39. Flexible Dietary Control
  40. Food Away from Home
  41. Food Cravings (Obs)
  42. Food Cravings (RCT)
  43. Food Reward Sensitivity – Hedonic Hunger (RCT)
  44. Grocery List (Obs)
  45. Grocery List (RCT)
  46. Group versus Individual Therapy
  47. Habits
  48. High Contact with Health Professional
  49. Holiday Weight Management
  50. Home Grocery Delivery and Online Shopping (RCT)
  51. Home Meal Preparation (RCT)
  52. Hunger after Weight Loss (RCT)
  53. Hunger during Weight Loss (RCT)
  54. Hypoxic Conditioning (RCT)
  55. Identity (Self-Identity)
  56. Impulsivity (RCT)
  57. Insulin (RCT)
  58. Length of Treatment – Weight Loss Effectiveness
  59. Life Events (i.e. medical triggers, illness, milestones)
  60. Low Contact with Health Professional
  61. Mail (Snail Mail)
  62. Marriage (Obs)
  63. Meal Planning (Obs)
  64. Meal Planning (RCT)
  65. Meal Regularity/Irregularity
  66. Motivational Interviewing
  67. Motivations for Dieting/Wanting to Lose Weight
  68. Natural Consequences/Failure to Act
  69. Newsletter
  70. Nutrition Knowledge (RCT)
  71. Obesity Treatment – Need for Comprehensive Evidence Base
  72. Peer-Based Health Coaching
  73. Plan Exercise
  74. Podcasts
  75. Portion Size as Weight Loss Mediator
  76. Positive Body Image
  77. Primary Care – Educating the Practitioners (Physicians) – 5As
  78. Problem Foods (Managing)
  79. Problem Solving
  80. Promoting Modest Weight Loss (RCT)
  81. Protein Spread & Protein Change Theories (RCT)
  82. Psychosocial Variables & Weight Change
  83. Reasons Given for Weight Loss Failure
  84. Reasons/Perceptions for being Obese
  85. Reinforcement Pathology (RCT)
  86. Relapse Prevention
  87. Repetition & Substitution
  88. Reward & Threat
  89. Rigid Dietary Control – Eliminating “Forbidden” Foods
  90. Satiety Quotient (Obs)
  91. Satiety Quotient (RCT)
  92. Self Efficacy
  93. Self-Monitoring
  94. Self-Weighing
  95. Self Weighing – Daily and Adjusting Accordingly
  96. Shaping Knowledge
  97. Snacks (RCT)
  98. Social Support
  99. Stress Management
  100. Takeaway Food as Weight Loss Mediator
  101. Telephone Calls
  102. Television Viewing Reduction (RCT)
  103. Text Messaging (RCT)
  104. Time Management
  105. Twitter
  106. Weight Loss Goals and Expectations
  107. Weight Loss Programs in Individuals with Depression (RCT)