Low-Fat/High Carb < 1 Month
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Anderson, JW | 1980 | Metabolism | Hypolipidemic effect of high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet |
Abs | de la Puebla, RAF | 2003 | Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis | A reduction in dietary saturated fat decreases body fat content in overweight, hypercholesterolemic males |
Full | Hyde, PN | 2019 | JCI Insight | Dietary carbohydrate restriction improves metabolic syndrome independent of weight loss |
Abs | Lewis, SB | 1977 | AJCN | Effect of diet composition on metabolic adaptations to hypocaloric nutrition: comparison of high carbohydrate and high fat isocaloric diets |
Full | Minehira, K | 2004 | Int J Obesity | Effect of carbohydrate overfeeding on whole body macronutrient metabolism and expression of lipogenic enzymes in adipose tissue of lean and overweight humans |
Abs | Olesen & Quaade | 1960 | Lancet | Fatty foods and obesity |
Abs | Pilkington, TRE | 1960 | Lancet | Diet and weight reduction in obese |
Abs | Rumpler, WV | 1991 | AJCN | Energy intake restriction and diet-composition effects on energy expenditure in men |
Full | Wang, CL | 2013 | Metab Clin Exp | Acute effects of different diet compositions on skeletal muscle insulin signaling in obese individuals during caloric restriction |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |