High Fruit & Vegetable < 6 Months
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Anderson, JW | 2011 | Postgrad Med | Effect of a behavioral/nutritional intervention program on weight loss in obese adults: a randomized controlled trial |
Abs | Barnard, RJ | 1983 | Diabetes Care | Long-term use of a high-complex-carbohydrate, high-fiber, low-fat diet and exercise in the treatment of NIDDM patients |
Abs | Smith, BK | 2009 | Obes Res Clin Pract | Comparison of two self-directed weight loss interventions: limited weekly support vs. no outside support |
Full | Kaiser, KA | 2014 | Am J Clin Nutr | Increased fruit and vegetable has no discernible effect on weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Full | Bandoni, DH | 2011 | Public Health Nutr | Impact of an intervention on the availability and consumption of fruits and vegetables in the workplace |
Abs | Bradbury, J | 2006 | J Dent Res | Nutrition counseling increases fruit and vegetable intake in the edentulous |
Full | Cox, DN | 1998 | Br J Nutr | Take Five, a nutrition education intervention to increase fruit and vegetable intakes: impact on consumer choice and nutrient intakes |
Abs | John, JH | 2002 | Lancet | Effects of fruit and vegetable consumption on plasma antioxidant concentrations and blood pressure: a randomised controlled trial |
Full | McCall, DO | 2009 | Circulation | Dietary intake of fruits and vegetables improves microvascular function in hypertensive subjects in a dose-dependent manner |
Full | Neville, CE | 2013 | Proc Nutr Soc | Effect of increased fruit and vegetable consumption on physical function and muscle strength in older adults |
Full | Whybrow, S | 2006 | Br J Nutr | Effects of added fruits and vegetables on dietary intakes and body weight in Scottish adults |
Full | Maskarinec, G | 1999 | Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev | Exploring the feasibility and effects of a high-fruit and -vegetable diet in healthy women |
Full | Wallace, IR | 2013 | Diabetes Care | Dose-response effect of fruit and vegetables on insulin resistance in people at high risk of cardiovascular disease: a randomized controlled trial |
Full | Zino, S | 1997 | BMJ | Randomised controlled trial of effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on plasma concentrations of lipids and antioxidants |
Full | Houchins, JA | 2012 | Obesity | Beverage vs. solid fruits and vegetables: Effects on energy intake and body weight. |
Full | Rolls, BJ | 2004 | Nutr Rev | What can intervention studies tell us about the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and weight management? |
Abs | Tapsell, LC | 2014 | Critical Rev Food Sci | Effects of vegetable consumption on weight loss: a review of the evidence with implications for design of randomised controlled trials |
Full | Stolley, MR | 2008 | Obesity | Obesity reduction black intervention trial (ORBIT): six-month results |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |