High Carbohydrate - Isocaloric - Days
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Acheson, KJ | 1984 | Am J Physiol | Nutritional influences on lipogenesis and thermogenesis after a carbohydrate meal |
Full | Bisschop, PH | 2000 | JCEM | The effects of carbohydrate variation in isocaloric diets on glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in healthy men |
Full | Bisschop, PH | 2001 | Am J Clin Nutr | Dietary fat content alters insulin-mediated glucose metabolism in healthy men |
Abs | Schrauwen, P | 1998 | AJP Endo Metab | Fat balance in obese subjects: role of glycogen stores |
Abs | Thomas, CD | 1992 | Am J Clin Nutr | Nutrient balance and energy expenditure during ad libitum feeding of high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets in humans |
Full | van Herpen, NA | 2011 | JCEM | Three weeks on a high-fat diet increases intrahepatic lipid accumulation and decreases metabolic flexibility in healthy overweight men |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |