Food Reward Sensitivity - Hedonic Hunger (RCT)
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | O'Neil, PM | 2012 | Eating Behav | Changes in weight control behaviors and hedonic hunger during a 12-week commercial weight loss program |
Abs | Oustric, P | 2018 | Obes Rev | Changes in food reward during weight management interventions - a systematic review |
Full | Ross, KM | 2020 | PLOS ONE | Food reward sensitivity, impulsivity, and weight change during and after a 3-month weight loss program |
Abs | Theim, KR | 2013 | Behav Modif | Relations of hedonic hunger and behavioral change to weight loss among adults in a behavioral weight loss program utilizing meal-replacement products |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |