Food Environment - Macro
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Full | Bergin, JE | 2012 | Behav Genet | Genetic and environmental transmission of body mass index fluctuation |
Abs | Crino, M | 2015 | Curr Obes Rep | The influence of population weight gain and obesity of the macronutrient composition and energy density of the food supply |
Full | Giskes, K | 2011 | Obes Rev | A systematic review of envrionmental factors and obesogenic dietary intakes among adults: are we getting closer to understanding obesogenic environments? |
Full | Hall, KD | 2018 | Obesity | Did the food environment cause the obesity epidemic? |
Abs | Hill & Peters | 1998 | Science | Environmental contributions to the obesity epidemic |
Abs | Hill, JO | 2003 | Science | Obesity and the environment: where do we go from here? |
Full | Jones-Smith, JC | 2013 | Diabetes Care | Obesity and the food environment: income and ethnicity differences among people with diabetes. The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE) |
Abs | Levine, DI | 2017 | Am J Prev Med | The curious history of the calorie in U.S. policy: a tradition of unfulfilled promises |
Full | Monteiro, CA | 2013 | Obes Rev | Ultra-processed products are becoming dominant in the global food system |
Abs | Moodie, R | 2013 | Lancet | Profits and pandemics: prevention of harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, and ultra-processed food and drink industries |
Full | Segal & Allison | 2002 | Int J Obes | Twins and virtual twins: bases of relative body weight revisited |
Abs | Swinburn, BA | 2011 | Lancet | The global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local environments |
Abs | Swinburn, BA | 1999 | Prev Med | Dissecting obesogenic environments: The development and application of a framework for identifying and priortizing environmental interventions for obesity |
Full | Vandevijvere, S | 2015 | Bull World Health Organ | Increased food energy supply as a major driver of the obesity epidemic |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |