Self Report - Energy Intake
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Full | Bolhuis, DP | 2013 | PLOS ONE | Consumption with large sip sizes increases food intake and leads to underestimation of the amount consumed |
Full | Braam, LA | 1998 | Am J Epidemiol | Determinants of obesity-related underreporting of energy intake |
Abs | Buhl, KM | 1995 | J Am Diet Assoc | Unexplained disturbance in body weight regulation: Diagnostic outcome assessed by doubly labeled water and body composition analyses in obese patients reporting low energy intakes |
Full | Dhurandhar, NV | 2014 | Int J Obes | Energy balance measurement: when something is not better than nothing |
Full | Emond, JA | 2013 | Int J Obes | Using doubly labeled water to validate associations between sugar-sweetened beverage intake and body mass among white and African-American adults |
Abs | Geiselman, PJ | 1998 | Physiol Behav | Reliability and validity of a macronutrient self-selection paradigm and a food preference questionnaire |
Full | Goris, AHC | 2000 | Am J Clin Nutr | Undereating and underrecording of habitual food intake in obese men: selective underreporting of fat intake |
Full | Heitman & Lissner | 1995 | BMJ | Dietary underreporting by obese individuals-is it specific or non-specific? |
Full | King, BM | 2016 | Health Behav Policy Rev | Adults with obesity underreport high-calorie foods in the home |
Abs | Lara, JJ | 2004 | J Hum Nutr Diet | Intentional mis-reporting of food consumption and its relationship with body mass index and psychological scores in women |
Full | Lichtman, SW | 1992 | NEJM | Discrepancy between self-reported and actual caloric intake and exercise in obese subjects |
Full | Macdiarmid & Blundell | 1998 | Nutr Res Rev | Assessing dietary intake: Who, what and why of under-reporting |
Full | Pietilainen, KH | 2010 | Int J Obes | Inaccuracies in food and physical activity diaries of obese subjects: complementary evidence from doubly labeled water and co-twin assessments |
Abs | Platte, P | 1995 | Int J Eating Disorder | Physical activity, total energy expenditure, and food intake in grossly obese and normal weight women |
Full | Schoeller, DA | 2013 | Am J Clin Nutr | Self-report-based estimates of energy intake offer an inadequate basis for scientific conclusions |
Full | Subar, AF | 2003 | Am J Epidemiol | Using intake biomarkers to evaluate the extent of dietary misreporting in a large sample of adults: The OPEN Study |
Abs | Tomoyasu, NJ | 1999 | J Am Geriatr Soc | Misreporting of total energy intake in older men and women |
Full | Trabulsi & Schoeller | 2001 | AJPEM | Evaluation of dietary assessment instruments against doubly labeled water, a biomarker of habitual energy intake |
Abs | Wansink & Sobal | 2007 | Environment & Behavior | Mindless Eating: the 200 daily food decisions we overlook |
Abs | Winkler, JT | 2005 | Obes Rev | The fundamental flaw in obesity research |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |