Couples Weight Loss Programs (Spousal Support)
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Black, DR | 1990 | Health Pysch | A meta-analytic evaluation of couples weight-loss programs |
Abs | Brownell, KD | 1982 | J Consult Clin Psychol | Obesity: understanding and treating a serious, prevalent, and refractory disorder |
Abs | Dubbert & Wilson | 1984 | Behav Res Therapy | Goal-setting and spouse involvement in the treatment of obesity |
Full | Gorin, AA | 2008 | Int J Obes | Weight loss treatment influences untreated spouses and the home environment: evidence of a ripple effect |
Abs | Jeffrey, RW | 1984 | Prev Med | Correlates of weight loss and its maintenance over two years of follow-up among middle-aged men |
Abs | Murphy, JK | 1985 | Behav Ther | A comparison of measured and self-reported weights in a 4-year follow-up of spouse involvement in obesity treatment |
Abs | Wing, RR | 1991 | J Consult Clin Psychol | A "family-based" approach to the treatment of obese type II diabetic patients |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |