Comprehensive Reviews of Multiple Diets > 6 Months
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Full | Clifton, PM | 2017 | World J Diabetes | Assessing the evidence for weight loss strategies in people with and without type 2 diabetes |
Abs | Dinu, M | 2020 | Adv Nutr | Effects of popular diets on anthropometric and cardiometabolic parameters: an umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials |
Abs | Freire, R | 2020 | Nutrition | Scientific evidence of diets for weight loss: different macronutrient composition, intermittent fasting, and popular diets |
Full | Ge, L | 2020 | BMJ | Comparison of dietary macronutrient patterns of 14 popular named dietary programmes for weight and cardiovascular risk factor reduction in adults: systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised trials |
Full | Johansson, K | 2014 | Am J Clin Nutr | Effects of anti-obesity drugs, diet, and exercise on weight-loss maintenance after a very-low-calorie diet or low-calorie diet: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
Full | Wadden, TA | 2012 | Circulation | Lifestyle modification for obesity. New developments in diet, physical activity, and behavior therapy |
Abs | Yannakoulia, M | 2019 | Metabolism | Dietary modifications for weight loss and weight loss maintenance |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |