Breakfast (Obs)
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Berg, C | 2009 | Appetite | Eating patterns and portion size associated with obesity in a Swedish population |
Full | Cahill, LE | 2013 | Circulation | Prospective study of breakfast eating and incident coronary heart disease in a cohort of male US health professionals |
Abs | Deshmukh-Taskar, P | 2012 | Public Health Nutr | The relationship of breakfast skipping and type of breakfast consumed with overweight/obesity, abdominal obesity, other cardiometabolic risk factors… |
Abs | Ma, X | 2020 | Obes Res Clin Pract | Skipping breakfast is associated with overweight and obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Full | Ma, Y | 2003 | Am J Epidemiol | Association between eating patterns and obesity in a free-living US adult population |
Full | Okada, C | 2019 | J Obes | The association of having a late dinner or bedtime snack and skipping breakfast with overweight in Japanese women |
Full | Purslow, LR | 2007 | Am J Epidemiology | Energy intake at breakfast and weight change: Prospective study of 6,764 middle-aged men and women |
Full | Van der Heijden, AA | 2007 | Obesity | A prospective study of breakfast consumption and weight gain among US men |
Abs | Wang, JB | 2013 | J Hum Nutr Diet | Timing of energy intake during the day is associated with the risk of obesity in adults |
Full | Xiao, Q | 2019 | Int J Obes | Meal timing and obesity: interactions with macronutrient intake and chronotype |
Full | Yamamoto, R | 2021 | Nutrients | Associations of skipping breakfast, lunch, and dinner with weight gain and overweight/obesity in university students: a retrospective cohort study |
Full | Zhang, L | 2017 | Nutrients | The association between breakfast skipping and body weight, nutrient intake, and metabolic measures among participants with metabolic syndrome |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |