Averse Conditioning
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Cole & Bond | 1983 | Percept Motor Skills | Olfactory aversion conditioning and overeating: a review and some data |
Abs | Foreyt & Kennedy | 1971 | Behav Res Ther | Treatment of overweight by aversion therapy |
Abs | Frohwirth & Foreyt | 1978 | Behav Ther | Aversive conditioning treatment of overweight |
Abs | Harris, MB | 1969 | J Abnormal Psych | Self-directed program for weight control: a pilot study |
Abs | Wijesinghe, B | 1973 | J Behav Ther Exp Psych | Massed electrical aversion treatment of compulsive eating |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |