Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Allom & Mullan | 2015 | Appetite | Two inhibitory control training interventions designed to improve eating behaviour and determine mechanisms of change |
Abs | Bazzaz, MM | 2017 | Appetite | Efficacy of the attention control training program on reducing attentional bias in obese and overweight dieters |
Abs | Dassen, FC | 2018 | Appetite | Gamified working memory training in overweight individuals reduces food intake but not body weight |
Abs | Ferentzi, H | 2018 | Appetite | Retraining of automatic action tendencies in individuals with obesity: a randomized controlled trial |
Full | Hartman-Boyce, J | 2014 | Obes Rev | Effect of behavioural techniques and delivery mode on effectivenss of weight management: systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression |
Abs | Houben, K | 2016 | Appetite | Taking control: working memory training in overweight individuals increases self-regulation of food intake |
Abs | Jansen, A | 2016 | Physiol Behav | From lab to clinic: extinction of cued cravings to reduce overeating |
Full | Lawrence, NS | 2015 | Appetite | Training response inhibition to food is associated with weight loss and reduced energy intake |
Full | Stice, E | 2017 | Behav Res Ther | Pilot test of a novel food response and attention training treatment for obesity: brain imaging data suggest actions shape valuation |
Full | Sze, YY | 2015 | JMIR | Web-based and mobile delivery of an episodic future thinking intervention for overweight and obese families: a feasibility study |
Abs | Veling, H | 2014 | Appetite | Targeting impulsive processes of eating behavior via the internet. Effects on body weight |
Abs | Yang, Y | 2019 | Obes Rev | Cognitive training on eating behavior and weight loss: a meta-analysis and systematic review |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |