Meal Replacement < 1 Month
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Full | Kahathuduwa, CN | 2018 | Appetite | Effects of 3-week total meal replacement vs. typical food-based diet on human brain functional magnetic resonance imaging food-cue reactivity and functional connectivity in people with obesity |
Abs | Kuriyan, R | 2017 | Asia Pac J Clin Nutr | Portion controlled ready-to-eat meal replacement is associated with short term weight loss: a randomised controlled trial |
Abs | Levitsky & Pacanowski | 2011 | Appetite | Losing weight without dieting. Use of commercial foods as meal replacements for lunch produces an extended energy deficit |
Full | Munro & Garg | 2011 | Food Function | Weight loss and metabolic profiles in obese individuals using two different approaches |
Abs | Munro & Garg | 2013 | Food Funct | Prior supplementation with long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids promotes weight loss in obese adults: a double-blinded randomised controlled trial |
Abs | Nelson, KM | 1992 | AJCN | Effect of weight reduction on resting energy expenditure, substrate utilization, and the thermic effect of food in moderately obese women |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |