RMR - Predictive of Weight Gain
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Abs | Ravussin, E | 1988 | NEJM | Reduced rate of energy expenditure as a risk factor for body-weight gain |
Full | Weinsier, RL | 2003 | Obes Res | Low resting and sleeping energy expenditure and fat use do not contribute to obesity in women |
Full | Weyer, C | 1999 | Int J Obes | Determinants of energy expenditure and fuel utilization in man: effects of body composition, age, sex, ethnicity and glucose tolerance in 916 subjects |
Full | Weyer, C | 2000 | JCEM | Energy expenditure, fat oxidation, and body weight regulation: a study of metabolic adaptation to long-term weight change |
Full | Weinsier, RL | 1995 | JCI | Metabolic Predictors of Obesity: Contribution of resting energy expenditure, thermic effect of food, and fuel utilization to four-year weight gain of post-obese and never-obese women |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |