Financial Incentives
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |
Full | Augursky, B | 2015 | Rur Econ | Small cash rewards for big losers-Experimental insights into the fight against the obesity epidemic |
Abs | Jeffery & Wing | 1995 | J Consult Clin Pyschol | Long-term effects of interventions for weight loss using food provision and monetary incentives |
Abs | Jeffery, RW | 1978 | Behav Res Ther | Effect on weight reduction of strong monetary contracts for calorie restriction for weight loss |
Abs | Jeffery, RW | 1993 | J Consult Clin Pyschol | Strengthening behavioral interventions for weight loss: a randomized trial of food provision and monetary incentives |
Full | Kullgren, JT | 2013 | Ann Intern Med | Individual- versus group-based financial incentives for weight loss: a randomized controlled trial |
Full | Mann, RA | 1972 | J Appl Behav Anal | The use of contingency contracting to control obesity in adult subjects |
Abs | Michie, S | 2009 | Health Psychol | Effective techniques in healthy eating and physical activity interventions: a meta-regression |
Abs | Paloyo, AR | 2013 | J Econ Surv | The causal link between financial incentives and weight loss: an evidence-based survey of the literature |
Full | Patel, MS | 2016 | Health Affairs | Premium-based financial incentives did not promote weight loss in a 2013-2015 study |
Full | Purnell, JQ | 2014 | J Acad Nutr Diet | A systematic review of financial incentives for dietary behavior change |
Full | Reichert, AR | 2012 | IZA | Does money burn fat? Evidence from a randomized experiment |
Full | Wall, J | 2006 | Nutr Rev | Effectiveness of monetary incentives in modifying dietary behavior: a review of randomized, controlled trials |
Link | Author | Year | Journal | Title |